Monday, January 24, 2011

Seeds, the new Currency

Return on Investment

Our people believe that worshipfullness of the seeds, the potential for life, is the most common bond amongst humanity through this phase of motion. We choose to save seeds, not the most exotic seeds, but the most potent and resourcefull.

We shall order our capital, in accordance to these virtues eventually. Women will no longer venture to grocery stores to purchase the whole fruit, but only the seed. Therefore, our trucks and factories can engage a new motive: the restoration of fertility. The factories become houses for entire neighborhoods. The trucks bring Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Zinc to the ports, for shipment to Africa's silt & forest crisis.

Thus, bills, and monetary demands upon the human soul shall cease. The remaining pure seeds shall supplant these. And the binding $2 note will fold into the Bank of Aaron.

We once thought, we would be suffering to free our needs from a dead-paper communion. But this was no perception, but indeed a pre-ception, and the harbouring criminals of mind tricked themselves to knot their coils of thought. Their once-laid gifts inherited by the children of every tone.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011