Urantia Book 134: Chapter 5 Paragraph 14
The (Fifty Six) states, having abandoned the twin sophistries of sovereignty and self-determination, enjoy interstate peace and tranquillity. So will the nations of Urantia begin to enjoy peace when they freely surrender their respective sovereignties into the hands of a global government — the sovereignty of the brotherhood of men. In this world state the small nations will be as powerful as the great, even as the small state of Rhode Island has its two senators in the American Congress just the same as the populous state of New York or the large state of Texas.
56 territory
Friends, the Sovereign World Government will arrive in due time, brought about via the earnest philosophical unity of all peoples, races, and clan.
We already have Universal Kinship, whether I recognise this or not. You and I share one Universal Father, whether you are obedient to the Spirit' Guidance or no.
The manifold gains that humans may enjoy via enslaving(mental or physical) other peoples, are by the standards he sets for his own accomplishment. Thus, whatever greatness the conqueror claims is limited to the minute standard of individual contrivance. He who is mastered the hearts of others has served the creature's need the most.
The humble shall see unity in the stars, and we shall arrive at the sovereign world-government through the realisation that the planet itself is but the grain of sand amidst an ocean of cosmic dust.
What we see as the current flow-tide of political reorganisation and destabilization, is in Reality the continuous movement towards Global unification. But with this, come ubiquity, and the staleness of human ideaLs. It is the opening of paths for the merchants to bring the farmer and forman's goods to decreasingly foreign lands.
The intellect of Corporate-consciousness is branded and marked by polytheism. I am referring to the allegience corporate employees have in certain symbols. The rallying mascot of a sports club is no different in essence today than the Idols of Ur. The tricker is veiled in two-Dimensionality; images saturated into the culture who perpetuates them.
The ability to clone and copy traits has brought diminution, rather than freedom. Artificial thoughts have perpetuated via robotic clauses, and the door of opportunity is slowly closing to the Individualist. Beaurocracy has made a great screen excludes marked persons who who wail against tyranny.
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