Friday, March 20, 2015

Voter Registration for the Black Party in Ithaca New York

We will have fun this year, registering as many people as possible, so that when we go out to cast our ballot, we can vote to end politics once and for all. 

The day that the black party becomes a majority in America, then we will finally be able to vote the corrupt politicians and beaurocrats out of office. 

The rules of my following regulation are:
to join the Black Party, you may believe in the better principles of democratic beaurocracy, but agree that it is time to end the current system, in favor of a government that exacts voluntary spirit from its citizens in order to defend and maintain its goals and population.

In America, this dream was alive in 1964 because the people had committed to carrying John F. Kennedy's goals of an army of Volunteers known as the Peace Corps March 1, 1961.  We still believe in the goals and significance of being a good ambassador to our neighbours throughout the globe. 

Therefore, let us enlist ourselves in the true meaning of democracy.  That we will pour shame on the citizens who "Vote" for frivolous things online, and yet do not step forwards with their voter-franchise in the primaries.  Don't they realize that Republican Government is slipping through our nation's fingers, and it is up to We the People to restore the stable foundation for liberty to exist in our world.  For the maintenance of personal liberty, America cannot rely on any other nation. 

We have set the standards and now we are corrupted in our satisfaction, the expectation that our machines, or the market place itself (Standardised) can supply our needs.  Meanwhile the true needs of a mixed people are neglected.  We are mired in a sense of victimhood for too long, who will hear my preachment that it is time for our Federal Government to Stand on the Edge of Its Knees and Beg Foregiveness from a people.

There have only been a few confessors: Jimmy Carter in his own time was this but moreso Joseph Leo Bromley and every Missing Soldier still away.

However, we must look with starker countenance when we observe the fact that certain actions of the 1950's (US-UN)Administration withheld the goal of Palestine to house the Jews as a Master Race.  The records have been made publick but even now stand to be hidden again!  These records were released to the publick because of the remorse of those who implemented this policy.

Look now, people!  Look at this travesty and behold unto your Creator the merciful good that was intended for you.  Remember the initial policy was for you to do as you will, before you had any knowledge of the eveil within your heart!

Therefore, if silence is the tale that be told, it must be told with actual numbers.  The silence of a disenfranchised class cannot be heard, but the silence of voters who have called forth "No Name" (The Black Party) will shatter the previous mandates of every other political party.

Where is the semblance of National Loyalty if not to this: each one of us has a certain duty to defend her beauties.  The duty of defense is not reserved for a paid-class of mercenaries, but we must each recognize the need to go to war against unfairness.

When there is the ability for the government to provide for the needs of the people, the people who choose it may grow content and not seek to fulfill their need for themselves.  On a Social Level, the American Welfare Department is responsible for depriving Churches of their Missions. 

Churches rely on Voluntary Contributions in order to subside.  Although it is fair for our current era that the Government exact involuntary tax contributions, we must scrutinise when there is money given from government into Charitable Institutions.  Why are not these Institutions subsiding from their own constituencies?

Let us rely on what wisdom we have: that if there is a looming Environmental Crisis then indeed there will not be enough food for the Government to bring to the people anyways.  Edgar Cayce has been saying for years that the more you grow the trees you can live off of in your own yards, the less you will rely on others and the better you will be prepared when these devastating calamities should befall an entire state or Region.

Look up the basic duties from Thomas Jefferson if you are unlettered or as yet still unfamiliar.  He was the first to fight against National Debt, and the last to relent in a debate of whether God does guide the Progress of our Country.

Register to vote:

vote for no one 

Friday, November 1, 2013


Urantia Book 134: Chapter 5 Paragraph 14
 The (Fifty Six) states, having abandoned the twin sophistries of sovereignty and self-determination, enjoy interstate peace and tranquillity. So will the nations of Urantia begin to enjoy peace when they freely surrender their respective sovereignties into the hands of a global government — the sovereignty of the brotherhood of men. In this world state the small nations will be as powerful as the great, even as the small state of Rhode Island has its two senators in the American Congress just the same as the populous state of New York or the large state of Texas.

56 territory

Friends, the Sovereign World Government will arrive in due time, brought about via the earnest philosophical unity of all peoples, races, and clan.

We already have Universal Kinship, whether I recognise this or not.  You and I share one Universal Father, whether you are obedient to the Spirit' Guidance or no.

The manifold gains that humans may enjoy via enslaving(mental or physical) other peoples, are by the standards he sets for his own accomplishment.  Thus, whatever greatness the conqueror claims is limited to the minute standard of individual contrivance.  He who is mastered the hearts of others has served the creature's need the most. 

The humble shall see unity in the stars, and we shall arrive at the sovereign world-government through the realisation that the planet itself is but the grain of sand amidst an ocean of cosmic dust.

What we see as the current flow-tide of political reorganisation and destabilization, is in Reality the continuous movement towards Global unification.  But with this, come ubiquity, and the staleness of human ideaLs. It is the opening of paths for the merchants to bring the farmer and forman's goods to decreasingly foreign lands.

The intellect of Corporate-consciousness is branded and marked by polytheism.  I am referring to the allegience corporate employees have in certain symbols.  The rallying mascot of a sports club is no different in essence today than the Idols of Ur. The tricker is veiled in two-Dimensionality; images saturated into the culture who perpetuates them.

The ability to clone and copy traits has brought diminution, rather than freedom.  Artificial thoughts have perpetuated via robotic clauses, and the door of opportunity is slowly closing to the Individualist.  Beaurocracy has made a great screen excludes marked persons who who wail against tyranny.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Haile Selassie I (Tafarai Makonnen)'s Vision for a rule of International morality

until the philosophy which holds one race superior and another inferior is finally and permanently discredited and abandoned, until there are no longer first class or second class citizens of any nature, until the color of a man's skin is of no more significance than the color of his eye, that until the basic human rights are equally guaranteed to all without regard to race, that until that day, the dream of lasting peace and world citizenship and the rule of international morality will remain but a fleeting illusion to be pursued but never attained.
From: REGGAE IS GOSPEL (youtube playlist) ALBUM

to the underlaying unity of all life so that the voice of intuition may guide us closer to our common keeper

Monday, January 24, 2011

Seeds, the new Currency

Return on Investment

Our people believe that worshipfullness of the seeds, the potential for life, is the most common bond amongst humanity through this phase of motion. We choose to save seeds, not the most exotic seeds, but the most potent and resourcefull.

We shall order our capital, in accordance to these virtues eventually. Women will no longer venture to grocery stores to purchase the whole fruit, but only the seed. Therefore, our trucks and factories can engage a new motive: the restoration of fertility. The factories become houses for entire neighborhoods. The trucks bring Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Zinc to the ports, for shipment to Africa's silt & forest crisis.

Thus, bills, and monetary demands upon the human soul shall cease. The remaining pure seeds shall supplant these. And the binding $2 note will fold into the Bank of Aaron.

We once thought, we would be suffering to free our needs from a dead-paper communion. But this was no perception, but indeed a pre-ception, and the harbouring criminals of mind tricked themselves to knot their coils of thought. Their once-laid gifts inherited by the children of every tone.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Since a Judge gave up his Ability to discriminate and decided corporations (for all practical purposes) were people, the market economy has become the modern form of polytheism. The Icons & Logos are protected by strict protocol, and disseminated subconsciously, does the pyramidal structure of authority, if you accept it, perpetuate destructive forms of worship.

Anyone who has enough gall to realise what I am saying, is caught still in the mouth or the throat of this great beast, that you are in an environment, where your active decisions are met with extreme resistence by the charts and labels, the decision trees which have been superimposed two-dimensionally, as a wall, over your sense-perceptions.

Therefore, you find yourself in an instance where intuition appears to lie. But Intuition never lies; Intuition perhaps prevents you from expanding, for the solution is to become 1 dimensional first, invisible, untraceable. Become a point, friend, before you allow yourself to expand again.